Tom Erickson

Bible Verse to Consider:

In Luke 15:4 Jesus says..."What man among you, if he has a hundred sheep and has lost one of them, does not leave the other ninety-nine in the open pasture and go after the one that is lost, until he finds it?"

Mission Trips

While all Christians are called to share the reason for our hope in Christ with those around us, some of us are called to move permanently to other countries as full-time missionaries. While I have never felt called to be in full-time missions, I have felt led to do short term missions.

Over the last 40 years I have been on short-term mission trips to a number of locations, such as Jamaica, Belize, Mexico, Queens NY, Hazard KY with the high school group at my church. I have also been to Mexico and Honduras with the adults of my church and the church that my brother pastored for 30+ years.

There are a couple of ministries that hold a special place in my heart, and I have been at both of them multiple times over the years. Back2Back, a ministry in Monterey Mexico and several other locations around the world, is an international Christian non-profit organization dedicated to being a voice for orphans. The other is El Ayudante in Comayagua, Honduras which is committed to glorifying God through intentional relationships and service to our community.

Back2Back has sites around the world, but I have only been to Monterey.

El Ayudante is solely in rural areas to the west of Comayagua.