Tom Erickson

Bible Verse to Consider:

In Luke 15:4 Jesus says..."What man among you, if he has a hundred sheep and has lost one of them, does not leave the other ninety-nine in the open pasture and go after the one that is lost, until he finds it?"


I love my family! I know that not everyone can say that, but I can honestly say that I loved my parents, I love my wif Penny, my children, my son-in-law and daughter-in-law, my grandchldren, my brothers, my sister-in-laws, my nieces and nephews, my grand nieces, and grand-nephew. That love of family also extended to my grandparents, my aunts and my uncles (though none of them are still with us). God has blessed me with a great family. No, we don't agree on evertything and yes, there have been challenges in the family. But, the bottom line is we all love each other the way God intended because we are all followers of Jesus Christ.

While I would probably still love family members even if they weren't Christians, I am pretty sure that the love wouldn't be universal. By that I mean, the fact that we are all Christians creates a dynamic in our relationships that are about love. Yes, we have had our differences, but we have worked them out with God's help. Yes, we have had heartbreak, but God has allowed us to be compassionate and caring for each other.

My Dad passed away in January 2018 at the age of 98. My Mom was 101 when she passed away in April, 2020. They lived in their own home and were able to take care of themselves and each other, until October, 2017 when the moved to Assisted Living. They loved each other and it showed. They defended each other, wanted what was best for the other and still cared more about how others are doing than themselves. They are two the most loyal people and their primary allegiance was to God. They raised my two brothers and myself to follow Jesus and instilled the importance of sharing that with others including our own children. This isn't about a blind faith, but rather is a genuine faith in the God of the Bible.

Penny's Dad passed away in January 2003 at the age of 78. Her Mom was 74 when she passed away in September, 1999. They lived Bloomington, Alexandria, Duluth, and Eagan Minnesota in own home. They also loved each other and it showed. Lorraine had several health issues during her life, and Bert was her primary care-giver for most of the time. They cared deeply for each other, but they also placed their hope and faith in God. They raised Penny and Pam to follow Jesus and instilled the importance of sharing that with others including our own children. This wasn't a casual faith, but rather is a genuine faith in the God of the Bible.

My wife Penny and I met at North Park College in Chicago. Penny grew up in Minnesota, having spent her childhood years in Bloomington and then Jr. High and High School in Alexandria. While Penny was in college, her parents moved to Duluth. Penny and I were married in July, 1978 in Duluth and moved to Chicago, where Penny completed her Senior year at NPC. I started work the same year for Harris Bank (later BMO Harris Bank). Over the next 6 years we had two children, Paul and Julie. Just before Paul was born Penny and I moved to Vernon Hills and 5 years later moved to Libertyville where we have been for the last 35 years.

Paul and Julie both graduated from Butterfield Grade School, Highland Junior High, and Libertyville High School. It was at this point that they went their own directions. Paul graduated from Taylor University and Julie graduated from Calvin College. Paul went into web/database programming and Julie went into Nursing. As is often the case, the younger married first, with Julie marrying Matt Herrema in June, 2007. Julie and Matt have two children, Theo and Gwen. Paul married Lizzy Hill in January, 2015 and in February, 2016, John Robert was born, followed by Luke in 2017, and Caleb in 2019.

I have two brothers, Don, a pastor for many years in Cary, and Richard, an orthopeadic surgeon in Carol Stream. Don married Claudia in 1970 and they had four children, Christy, Becky, Kara and Ryan. Kara passed away at the age of 25 after battling diabetes for many years. Richard married Joanne in 1979 and they have two daughters, Britta and Ingrid. Christy married Brett Anderson and have two children, Mia and Madison. Britta married Jacob Apple in 2016 and have two chilldren.

Julie and her family live in Grand Rapids, MI. The Apples live in Denver, CO as does Ingrid. Christy and her family live in Delafield, WI. Everyone else lives in the Chicago area.

For the last 40 years, at least once a year, the entire family was together and these were times of joy, fun, eating, and celebrating something. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Labor Day are often the events where we are able to get together. As more of the family has moved to other geographies, and with the passing of my mom and dad, the times together will become more difficult to come by, but the memories will continue to last until it's time to go home permantently. One last note, frequently others outside the immediate family have participated in Erickson family gatherings and several of them have become de facto Erickson. Any attempts at resistence are futile.