Tom Erickson

Verse to Consider:

In Luke 15:4 Jesus says..."What man among you, if he has a hundred sheep and has lost one of them, does not leave the other ninety-nine in the open pasture and go after the one that is lost, until he finds it?"



  • 1/5 - Michael Shelby's Birthday
  • 1/18/2018 - Robert's Going Home Day (98)
  • 1/24/2015 - Paul and Lizzy's Anniversary
  • 1/24/2003 - Bert's Going Home Day (78)
  • February

  • 2/2 - Theo's Birthday
  • 2/12 - Britta's Birthday
  • 2/16 - John's Birthday
  • 2/19 - Fred and Joan's Anniversary
  • April

  • 4/9 - Richard's Birthday
  • 4/9 - Brett's Birthday
  • 4/14/2020 - Ruth's Going Home Day (101)
  • 4/16 - Joanne's Birthday
  • May

  • 5/5 - Ryan's Birthday
  • 5/16 - Mia's Birthday
  • 5/20 - Claudia's Birthday
  • 5/22 - Julie's Birthday
  • 5/28 - Galen's Birthday
  • June

  • 6/2/2007 - Julie and Matt's Anniversary
  • 6/14 - Luke's Birthday
  • 6/17 - Pam's Birthday
  • 6/18 - Joanne and Richard's Annivesary
  • 6/28 - Gwen's Birthday
  • July

  • 7/9 - Don's Birthday
  • 7/29/1978 - Tom and Penny's Anniversary
  • 7/30/1949 - Edna and Dewitt's Anniversary
  • 7/30/2019 - Caleb's Birthday
  • August

  • 8/5 - Penny's Birthday
  • 8/4 - Christy and Brett's Anniversary
  • 8/17 - Jim and Karen's Anniversary
  • 8/19 - Emily's Birthday
  • 8/24 - Christy's Birthday
  • 8/24 - Becky's Birthday
  • 8/25 - Matt's Birthday
  • 8/26 - Jamie's Birthday
  • September

  • 9/11/1949 - Bob and Ruth's Anniversary
  • 9/13/1999 - Lorraine's Going Home Day (74)
  • 9/13/2004 - Kara's Going Home Day (25)
  • 9/18 - Dan's Birthday
  • 9/29 - Tom's Birthday
  • October

  • 10/6/1979 - Pam and Galen's Anniversary
  • 10/22/2016 - Britta and Jacob's Anniversary
  • November

  • 11/3 - Polly's Birthday
  • 11/17 - Elizabeth's Birthday
  • 11/19/2003 - Joe's Going Home Day
  • December

  • 12/8 - Ingrid's Birthday
  • 12/19 - Don and Claudia's Anniversary
  • 12/26 - Paul's Birthday